Will champagne explode in a hot car?


When the temperature outside soars and you're faced with the prospect of leaving your precious bottle of champagne in a scorching hot car, you may find yourself wondering: "Will champagne explode in a hot car?" This age-old question has led to numerous myths and misconceptions. In this article, we're here to separate fact from fiction and provide you with a clear understanding of what really happens to champagne when exposed to high temperatures.

Will champagne explode in a hot car? - Moët vintage 2013 - Champagne Season

The Science Behind Champagne:

To comprehend the potential effects of heat on champagne, it's essential to understand the science behind this bubbly beverage. Champagne is a carbonated drink, meaning it contains dissolved carbon dioxide gas that creates the signature bubbles. When stored at lower temperatures, these gases remain more soluble in the liquid. However, when exposed to higher temperatures, the solubility of gases decreases, leading to the gas trying to escape from the liquid. This phenomenon is similar to what happens when you open a warm soda—bubbles rush to the surface due to the reduced solubility of carbon dioxide.

The Myth of Champagne Explosions:

The notion that champagne bottles will explode like a small-scale volcano in a hot car has been a persistent myth. While it is true that champagne can experience pressure buildup due to the expansion of gases, the idea of bottles spontaneously exploding is an exaggeration. In reality, champagne bottles are designed to withstand significant pressure and are equipped with corks that allow excess gas to escape safely.

Temperature Thresholds:

The threshold at which champagne might experience issues due to heat varies. Champagne bottles can typically endure short periods of moderately high temperatures without significant problems. However, it's important to note that excessive heat exposure can potentially compromise the flavor and quality of the champagne. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat, such as in a car parked under direct sunlight on a scorching day, may lead to changes in taste and aroma.

Protecting Your Champagne:

To ensure the preservation of your cherished bottle of bubbly, consider these tips:

  1. Keep It Cool: Whenever possible, store champagne in a cool, dark place. Optimal storage temperatures range from 45°F to 55°F (7°C to 13°C).

  2. Avoid Extreme Heat: While champagne bottles are built to withstand pressure, avoiding extended exposure to extreme heat is still recommended. If you know you'll be leaving your champagne in a hot car for an extended period, consider insulating it with a cooler bag or placing it in the trunk, where temperatures tend to be slightly lower.

  3. Minimize Vibrations: Temperature changes and vibrations can disturb the sediment in the bottle and potentially impact the taste. Handle your champagne with care to preserve its quality.

  4. Chill Before Serving: If your champagne has been exposed to higher temperatures, allow it to cool down before serving. This can help stabilize the gases and minimize the risk of a sudden rush of bubbles upon opening.


The myth of champagne bottles exploding in hot cars is just that—a myth. While champagne can experience changes in pressure and quality when exposed to high temperatures, the chances of bottles spontaneously blowing their tops are highly unlikely. By understanding the science behind carbonation and adhering to proper storage practices, you can ensure that your cherished bottle of bubbly remains a delightful treat, even in the hottest of conditions.

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My newly purchased 1.5 Liter of Cook Champagne exploded yesterday afternoon in my pantry. The house thermostat showed the interior temperature to have been 82 degrees. Interior car temperatures can reach considerably higher than that, so I would conclude that Champagne bottles exploding in hot cars would be no myth at all.

Diane Beers

Ikke en myte. Vi har lige haft en flaske der eksploderede i vores køkkenskab (ca 25 grader…) heldigvis kom ingen tilskade.

rikke clausen

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